May 29, 2010


With spring here, and summer well on its way, everything is in full swing. Flowers are in bloom, trees are erupting with leaves, and all of God's creation seems to be exploding with life. Even the things we wish would just go weeds!

Weeds seem to serve no purpose. They rise up and choke the plants that are supposed to be growing and flourishing by robbing them of the nutrients that are vital to their growth. Weeds have no regard to the well being of the other plants, they are simply concerned with taking over the area in which they are spreading--until the entire area looks just like that weed.

I am finding that, sadly, sometimes people are like weeds. They are unconcerned with the purpose and roles of others and rob them of the nutrients they need to grow. Nutrients like grace, mercy, forgiveness, love, and compassion. Instead, the weeds rise up and attempt to choke others into believing what they believe, so eventually, everyone who is in contact with that weed will look just like it.

I have had some people in my life who are weeds, but thankfully, God is an amazing Gardner. He is revealing those people for who they are and removing them from my life. Now, I can continue to thrive in the ways and areas HE has called me to. He is replenishing my life with people who provide the nutrients that I, and every one of His children, need in order to fully serve Him. With every weed He extracts, He plants a new seed--and those seeds have grown into beautiful plants that I am so thankful for. Plants that not only stand beside me, but also help me to grow.

Thank You, Lord for tending to the garden of my life. Thank You for weeding out the plants that are harmful to Your Kingdom and for replacing them with plants that show Your grace and beauty!